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Active Sign Installation, LLC

3388 Jenness Avenue
McFarland, WI 53558
Phone: 608-212-3600

or Contact Us Online

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We're migrating all clients to the new Client Resource Center. Until you receive your login instructions, please use the following links to place an order:
New Sign Installation Request
Sign Repair Request Form
Removal Request Form

Frequently Asked Question
Why can't I move my sign myself?
For safety reasons, we ask that only Active Sign Installation personnel move our property. Our installers know where it is safe to place a sign due to underground utilities. We also know where it is legal to place signs. Without the proper tools, our materials can be damaged or destroyed. Please contact us immediately for any sign-related issues.

Major Communities Served | View All
Dane County
Columbia County
Rock County
Jefferson County
Most of Sauk County
Most of Iowa County
Most of Green County
Most of Dodge County
Cottage Grove
Cross Plains

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I get my sign order to you?
A: We prefer that you use our state-of-the-art website to place orders. When you log in to your account, you'll see what inventory we have in our shop for you so you'll know immediately what you have available for the installation. If you are ordering a remove or repair on an existing sign, you'll be able to see a list of where we have your signs installed and can simply click on the desired service. Fax orders are also accepted. Please print out the form available on our website and fax to (608) 838-4060.

Q: What hours do you accept orders?
A: Orders are accepted 24 hours per day, 7 days per week but in order to be placed on our regularly scheduled route for the following day, we must receive your order by 4 p.m. the previous day.

Q: What if I miss the deadline and need a sign installed before the "Estimated date of completion?"
A: We do offer expedited service in case you are unable to meet the deadline for getting your order in. There is an additional charge of $20 for this service.

Q: What is the best way to give directions to a property that is hard to find such as vacant land?
A: If you have accurate GPS coordinates, that works the best. Google Earth maps are also helpful. If the property is near an intersection, please include that as well with detailed directions: Property is located 1.3 miles from the intersection of Main Street and 2nd Street on the west side of the road. Using east and west is better than left and right because we may be coming from a different direction. Marking the property with an Active Sign Installation flag is great because it confirms that we are at the correct property.

Q: What if the house doesn't have an address number on it?
A: Be as descriptive as possible and include on your order form that there is no house number. You can say "the blue house with yellow shutters" etc. If the property is located in a subdivision, please provide a map of that subdivision along with the lot number. You can also forward the MLS sheet to us especially if there is a photo of the property included on that sheet.

Q: What should I know about signage as it relates to a condominium listing?
A: Many condominium associations either do not allow signs to be placed on their property or, if they do allow signage, have a designated location for signs. Unlike a house, the condo owner does not own the ground where a sign would normally be placed so permission from the condo association must be granted along with direction as to where signs are allowed. CONDOS MUST ALWAYS BE FLAGGED. If you place an order for a condo and indicate that it is not flagged, the installation will not be scheduled until we have confirmation that the flag is in place and the approximate location of that flag.

Q: What do I need to know about listing a lot where construction is taking place?
A: If construction is happening on the site, it is best to wait until the yard has been graded and sod had been laid before ordering the sign. If this has not been done and we place a sign, you risk losing your sign and our materials being damaged or destroyed by the construction crew. ASI will bill you for lost or damaged materials. If the sign is knocked down during construction and no one can see it, you are not getting the benefit of advertising via your sign anyway. If the sign must be installed before construction is completed, please give a flag to the Contractor in charge of the construction site and ask him to place it in a spot where it will be out of the crews way as much as possible. If the post and sign need to be moved, please contact Active Sign Installation.

Q: Can I use my own brochure box?
A: Yes - however, if you choose not to use Active Sign Installation's brochure boxes, you must find an alternate way of displaying the box other than attaching it to our post. Metal frames are available at most places that sell brochure boxes so if you prefer to use your own box, please invest in the metal stake that goes with the box and feel free to use that.



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